(Jyri Jokinen, 01.08.2013 - 00:00) Command a squadron of fully customized Armored Core Units in a dystopian future ravaged by war and stripped of its natural resources; The last remaining resources needed for the survival of your faction are scavenged and bitterly fought forin the No Man's Land, a bleak landscape that offers little hope for survival. Enlist into one of the various in-game factions and strategically adapt your weapon systems to wrestle control of territories away from other players and establish a much needed peace.
(Jyri Jokinen, 01.08.2013 - 00:00) Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the Disgaea series by bringing back the popular trio from the first game: Laharl, Etna, and Flonne! With a completely new and original storyline, it offers game system refinements that will entice new fans, while still offering the same kind of hardcore, over-the-top, endless gameplay that has captured fans since the very first Disgaea!
(Jyri Jokinen, 01.08.2013 - 00:00) FINAL FANTASY X:
In ages past, the world of Spira experienced a golden age of perfection, brought about by an advanced civilization through the use of wondrous machinery called machina.