Microsoftin vahva panostus indie-kehittäjiin alkaa tuottaa tulosta ja Xbox One onkin saamassa lähitulevaisuudessa valtavan määrän ID@Xbox-kampanjan turvin luotuja pelejä.
Microsoft paljasti paraikaa käynnissä olevassa Game Developers Conferencessa jopa yli tuhannen studion kehittävän indie-julkaisujaan Xbox Onelle. Näiden joukosta löytyvät esimerkiksi Kickstarterin turvin rahoitetut Wasteland 2 sekä Mighty No. 9.
Alla nippu muita nimeltä mainittuja tulevaisuudessa siintäviä ID@Xbox-pelejä:
- The Adventures of Pip (Tick Toc Games)
- Anarcute (AnarTeam)
- Aritana & the Harpy's Feather (Duaik)
- Bedlam (RedBedlam)
- Beyond Eyes (Team17)
- Blues And Bullets (A Crowd of Monsters)
- ClusterPuck 99 (PHL Collective)
- Commander Cherry’s Puzzled Journey (Grande Games)
- Cuphead (Studio MDHR)
- Draw a Stickman: Epic (Hitcent)
- Earthlock: Festival of Magic (Snowcastle Games)
- The Flame in the Flood (The Molasses Flood)
- Fortified (Clapfoot Games)
- Game 4 (The Behemoth)
- Gear Gauntlet (Drop Dead Interactive)
- Goat Simulator (Double Eleven)
- Grabbles (Noble Whale)
- Gunsport (Necrosoft Games)
- Hyperdrive Massacre (34 Big Things)
- Inside My Radio (Seaven Studios)
- Knight Squad (Chainsawesome Games)
- LA Cops (Team 17)
- The Little Acre (Pewter Game Studios)
- Luna's Tale: The Curse of the Forgotten Doll (Maestro Game Studios)
- Magic Duels: Origins (Wizards of the Coast)
- Mighty No. 9 (Comcept)
- Paranautical Activity (Digerati Distribution)
- Pixel Galaxy (Serenity Forge)
- Quest of Dungeons (David Jose Lourenco Amador)
- Raging Justice (Makin Games)
- R.B.I. Baseball 15 (
- Reagan Gorbachev (Team2Bit)
- Red Out (34 Big Things)
- Rivals of Aether (Dan Fornace)
- Run (Noble Games)
- Screencheat (Surprise Attack)
- Shadow Blade: Reload (Dead Mage)
- Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games)
- Slain ( Digerati Distribution)
- SMITE (Hi-Rez Studios)
- Space Dust Racers (Space Dust Studios)
- Standpoint (Unruly Attractions)
- Starpoint Gemini 2 (Little Green Men)
- Submerged (Uppercut Games)
- Super Dungeon Bros (React! Games)
- SWORDY (Frogshark)
- The Sun and Moon (Digerati Distribution and Marketing)
- Tower of Guns (Grip Digital)
- Tumblestone (The Quantum Astrophysicists Guild)
- Twin Souls: The Path of Shadows (Lince Works)
- Wasteland 2 (inXile Entertainment)
- World of Diving (Vertigo Games)
- ZHEROS (Rimlight Studios)
Xbox Onesta voi käydä keskustelua KonsoliFINin foorumilla.