(Jyri Jokinen, 07.03.2009 - 00:00) It's 1969, the summer of love in San Francisco. Enter Johnny Sutton, fresh out of jail and a descendant from a long line of big-time thieves, including his father who was gunned down during a job some years back. Playing as Johnny, and together with his Uncle Sal and reunited crew, players are set pull off dozens of heists that will inevitably make a name for him as the greatest bank robber of all time.
(Jyri Jokinen, 30.08.2008 - 00:00) Virallinen tiedote:
It's 1969, the summer of love in San Francisco. Enter Johnny Sutton, fresh out of jail and a descendant from a long line of big-time thieves, including his father who was gunned down during a job some years back. Playing as Johnny, and together with his Uncle Sal and reunited crew, players are set pull off dozens of heists that will inevitably make a name for him as the greatest bank robber of all time.
(Jyri Jokinen, 28.05.2008 - 00:00) Tässä pelissä ohjataan maailman parhaimpia ja tehokkaimpia urheiluautoja (uusia ja klassikkoja, rata-ajossa ja sivuluisussa) virallisissa turnauksissa kaikkein arvostetuimmilla kilparadoilla. Seuraavaksi ovat vuorossa haastavat kaupunkikeskeiset kilpailut, katuajot ja muut tapahtumat.
(Jyri Jokinen, 16.04.2008 - 00:00) Fall of Liberty will take players to new battlegrounds in World War II – ones born from a changed moment in history that led to the Nazi invasion of 1950s America. Presenting this scenario as a powerful and realistically crafted alternate history, Fall of Liberty will deliver an explosive action experience in a world where famous real-world locations appear startlingly different under Nazi occupation.
(Jyri Jokinen, 23.10.2007 - 00:00)
Clive Barker’s Jericho is being designed as an action horror title that will up the stakes in visuals and phantasmagorical special effects. Mingling the darkest elements of Barker’s horror fiction and films with an ambitious, age-spanning story, the title will be aimed at mature gamers, fans of Clive Barker and horror fiction enthusiasts.