(Jyri Jokinen, 08.05.2007 - 00:00) Olet tarjoilija Flo, jonka tehtävänä on palvella asiakkaita mahdollisimman hyvin ja huolehtia siitä, että ravintola näyttää siistiltä. Muista kuitenkin, että itkevät lapset, pitkät odotusajat ja kännykkähöpöttäjät voivat aiheuttaa muille asiakkaille mielipahaa. Siksi tehtävänäsi on huolehtia siitä, että nämä asiakkaat ovat tyytyväisiä ja muistavat jättää tippiä hyvästä palvelusta. Se on osa sinun palkkaasi, mutta samalla se on yksi askel kohti omaa ravintolaketjua.
(Jyri Jokinen, 08.05.2007 - 00:00) In 1996, the original Tomb Raider was launched. The 3D game design, controls and graphics were truly ground breaking for their time. Furthermore, gamers were also presented with a unique, female human playable character with which they could become emotionally attached, Lara Croft. The original Tomb Raider sold over seven million copies and is still heralded as an absolute classic and one of the best action adventure games ever. Tomb Raider defined the PlayStation and changed the way that people played games.
(Jyri Jokinen, 22.04.2007 - 00:00) Set against a whimsical Far Eastern backdrop with a light-hearted martial arts theme, ZENDOKU offers a variety of colorful characters and a comprehensive range of single-player and wireless multi-player game modes. Players choose a character and use the unique controls of the handheld console to attack or defend against a challenger, or race against the clock, all while completing one of an infinite number of ZENDOKU's puzzle permutations.
(Jyri Jokinen, 12.04.2007 - 00:00)
Live the epic adventure inspired by the powerful graphic novel and film, 300. As King Leonidas, you will lead 300 Spartan warriors in a heroic fight to the death against Xerxes’ massive Persian army.
The odds are stacked against you, but through strategy, and skill you can save all of Greece – and change history forever.
(Jyri Jokinen, 12.04.2007 - 00:00) Uutiset pelistä:
Lisää futismanagerointia Xbox 360:lle (7.11.2006)
Virallinen tiedote
Championship Manager 2007 has a completely new look with new skins, menu shortcuts and a dynamic side bar, all ensuring that every gaming taste is catered for. The introduction of an International Management option enables players to manage their country and be a part of the biggest football tournament in the world.