(Jyri Jokinen, 04.06.2007 - 00:00)
In a story paralleling the next-generation console versions of the game, the PSP version will feature exclusive new content and all-new characters as Las Vegas finds itself in chaos and Rainbow operatives are forced to defend one of the most recognizable cities in the world. The future of Las Vegas and global security is in your hands … will you be able to save Vegas?
(Jyri Jokinen, 08.05.2007 - 00:00) Olet tarjoilija Flo, jonka tehtävänä on palvella asiakkaita mahdollisimman hyvin ja huolehtia siitä, että ravintola näyttää siistiltä. Muista kuitenkin, että itkevät lapset, pitkät odotusajat ja kännykkähöpöttäjät voivat aiheuttaa muille asiakkaille mielipahaa. Siksi tehtävänäsi on huolehtia siitä, että nämä asiakkaat ovat tyytyväisiä ja muistavat jättää tippiä hyvästä palvelusta. Se on osa sinun palkkaasi, mutta samalla se on yksi askel kohti omaa ravintolaketjua.
(Jyri Jokinen, 08.05.2007 - 00:00) In 1996, the original Tomb Raider was launched. The 3D game design, controls and graphics were truly ground breaking for their time. Furthermore, gamers were also presented with a unique, female human playable character with which they could become emotionally attached, Lara Croft. The original Tomb Raider sold over seven million copies and is still heralded as an absolute classic and one of the best action adventure games ever. Tomb Raider defined the PlayStation and changed the way that people played games.
(Jyri Jokinen, 08.05.2007 - 00:00) Driver 76 will feature all-new content with 27 new missions exclusively designed for gaming on the go. Driver 76 is the first all-new edition of the famed Driver series to be released since Ubisoft acquired the franchise in 2006. Developed by Sumo Digital Ltd. and Ubisoft’s Reflections studio, Driver 76 will be released in March 2007.
(Jyri Jokinen, 27.04.2007 - 00:00) Oblivion features a powerful combination of free-form gameplay, unprecedented graphics, cutting edge AI, character voices by acting legends Patrick Stewart, Sean Bean, Terrance Stamp, and Lynda Carter, and an award-winning soundtrack. Gamers can choose to unravel Oblivion's epic narrative at their own pace or explore the vast world in search of their own unique challenges.
(Jyri Jokinen, 16.04.2007 - 00:00) Virallinen tiedote
Developed by G.rev Ltd., WarTech Senko no Ronde is a new take on a famous arcade game from 2004 and has already been released in Japan with great success. Japanese cult magazine Famitsu awarded Senko no Ronde a gold medal and lauded its amazing blend of shoot-em-up action and fighting.