Fable II saapui myyntiin tällä viikolla Euroopassa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa. Internetin keskustelualueilla onkin jo ehditty raportoida ikävistä bugeista, jotka Lionhead Studios tunnustaa blogissaan.
Toinen suurimmista bugeista liittyy pääjuoneen, joka voi jäädä epäonnisilta pelaajilta kokonaan suorittamatta. Toisessa bugissa yhteistyötilaan siirtyminen nollaa hahmon kokemuspisteet, rahat ja aseet, mikäli seikkailu käynnistetään lapsivaiheessa.
Tarkempia tietoja bugeista ja niiden välttämisestä voi onkia lähdelinkin takaa. Kehittäjät pahoittelevat ongelmia ja lupaavat selvitellä tilannetta.
"This post is directed to Lionhead St...
"This post is directed to Lionhead Studios and all of my fellow players who need to be aware of this bug so it doesn't happen to you. I need to state clearly, I have tried this on LOCAL coop with the game patched to the latest. I have not tried this on online coop yet. But I assume it will yield the same results.
And again, I apologize if this has been mentioned before. There isn't a bug report forum so I have no idea what has been posted in terms of this problem.
It's simple. My brother stopped by for a visit last night and loaded up his own XBOX Live profile, while I loaded mine. He created a NEW Fable II game, and I joined his game with my existing character. I had lots of spells, thousands of gold and experience. Well it appears the game initializes at some point during the child experience and it erases your gold, experience and all of your abilities. 0. Zip. Nada.
Upon testing coop play when both games were already in Hero phase, the game worked correctly and each player had their own experience and abilities.
Lionhead, you need to fix this, because i'm sure people would like to jump in with their characters to help out noobie friends, and they are going to be pissed when all their hard work was completely wiped. There is no getting it back either. You just take a total loss.
The work around for now is... if you have a player who is just starting out, do not join their game until they are least out on their own and heading for Browerstone. I would also like to get some confirmation on this bug just to make sure i'm not missing something to duplicate this.
Thanks for your time, and I hope I save some of you the headache of this in the future."
"Hello community,
We are aware that a minority of people playing Fable(r) II over the last few days have encountered an issue where the Abbot becomes unresponsive at the beginning of Monks Quest in Oakfield. This is an isolated issue, but we are currently looking into it as a matter of priority. If you have already encountered this issue, there is unfortunately no work-around at this time, but we will keep you updated on any progress made.
If you want to avoid this issue, when you go to the Abbot for the first time don't run away and leave the region after he has started talking to you. Listen to him, let him finish his cut-scene, and then you are free to do what you wish.
Some things slip through the net during development, especially when a game is the size and scope of Fable(r) II. Again, we can only apologise for this issue, but we are doing our best. We might be silent on these boards, but we are watching and listening to you, the community, and are looking into all serious issues that are bought to our attention.
Harmittavaa, että tommosia bugeja löy...
Harmittavaa, että tommosia bugeja löytyy valmiista pelistä. Toivottavasti korjaus tulee piakkoin.
Aika pahoja bugeja, mutta välillä nii...
Aika pahoja bugeja, mutta välillä niitäkin jää kun pukataan kiireellä ulos tavaraa (nimim "kohta 10v softa-alalla").
Kiitokset Paaville uutisen julkaisusta täällä. Justiinsa oltiin etsiskelemässä Abbotia ja suunnitelmissa oli kokeilla co-oppiakin. Ainaskin nuo kuopat osataan nyt välttää.
Paha juttu. Toivon etten kohtaa kamal...
Paha juttu. Toivon etten kohtaa kamalia bugeja koska minulla ei ole mahdollisuutta päästä liveen, vaikka korjaava päivitys tms. tulisi :(
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