The Red Star
The Red Star is a U.S. comic created by Archangel Studios. The art style is groundbreaking and the scope and writing is cutting-edge. Conceived and drawn by Christian Gossett, The Red Star continues to rocket forwards in its success.
Set around three key main characters, The Red Star tells the tale of an alternate Russia, the URRS, where massive technology and futuristic weapons are wielded by its army, The Red Fleet. An additional twist is that magic exists in this world and The Red Fleet employs Sorcerers who can cast protokols (The Red Star term for spells).
The comic book story focuses on Maya Antares, Sorceress-General for The Red Fleet as she searches for her husband, Marcus, also a soldier in The Red Fleet who was lost in a disastrous URRS defeat battle some 10 years before.
Along her journey she is accompanied by her bodyguard, Kyuzo, and she meets Makita, a Nogorkan rebel, who delivers shocking news of Marcus's survival. Now declared rebels against their own state and having taken command of The Red Fleet's flag ship, the heroes are ready to journey into the unknown in a desperate bid to rescue Marcus and bring down the tyrannical, and near immortal, dictator of the URRS. It is here that the player starts their quest...
Set in a breathtaking, award-winning universe, The Red Star flawlessly blends the fighting and shooting genre, offering innovative high-action, character-driven gameplay.
- Combat system built upon generations of fighters & shooters, perfectly blended to create an exciting and constantly evolving action experience;
- Player characters can interact with each other during cooperative play -One player's attacks can modify & enhance their friend's attacks;
- 3 characters who offer 3 very different game experiences -Provides for arcade-like replayability;
- Breathtaking, visually stunning special attacks;
- Every enemy & every obstacle is a strategic challenge -Action is never mindless or repetitive.