Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash Up
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are partnering with Ubisoft to celebrate their 25th Anniversary with a brand new game – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Smash-Up. This is the first Ninja Turtles video game that is not directly tied to a movie, television show or comic book. The 4-player action brawler features a variety of battle modes including online multiplayer gameplay, minigames, and an original story mode for single player co-created with Peter Laird.
The game is developed for the Wii system from Nintendo by Game Arts – part of the team who worked on Super Smash Bros. Brawl. While similar to their past project, Smash-Up offers some new surprises and features for a new shell-raising experience. Throughout the game, fans will be treated to unlockable surprises celebrating 25 years of Turtle history.
* Choose from a wide variety of classic TMNT heroes and villains, each with unique acrobatic moves, weapons and combat skills that will come in handy during the free-for-all brawls.
* Not only can you immerse yourself in the world of TMNT through the story mode, you can also challenge your friends at home or online in a variety of multiplayer modes including tournament, battle royal, and more.
* Packed with over-the-top ninja action and smack-talking gameplay, Smash-Up offers hours of fun for novice players as well as ninja masters. Finding unique combos and unlocking and special attacks add more elements to each character and battle.
* Be prepared for interactive levels with moving arenas, gators jumping from the water, and many more surprises. Collect “shells” during battles and mini-games to unlock memorable moments and exclusive content of TMNT’s 25-year history.
* The single-player story mode offers a completely original story written by Peter Laird (the co-creator of TMNT). But unlike his previous comic books and movies, this time you get to be a part of the story.
Kuuluu niihin peleihin jotka ovat han...
Kuuluu niihin peleihin jotka ovat hankinta listallani. Wiillä on ollut kunnon peleistä nyt puutetta(Super Smash Bros. Brawl on viimeksi ollut sellainen, siitäkin yli vuosi. Mietipä sitä), joten luulisi tämän pelin antavan hieman potkua konsoliin. Nettipelikin houkuttelee, joten PS2 versio taitaa jäädä tämän version varjoon. Ihan kiva että vanhaa sotaratsuakin vielä muistetaan. =D
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