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Halo Wars päivittyi

Robot Entertainment julkaisi Halo Warsiin kolmannen päivityksen viikonlopun alussa. Päivitys hioo tuttuun tapaan tasapainotusta sekä korjailee joitakin bugeja.

Halo Wars saa tiistaina myös laajennuksen, kun Historic Battles -karttapaketti saapuu ladattavaksi Xbox Liveen. Hintaa uusille moninpelikentille tulee 800 Microsoft-pistettä.



We're happy to release the official Title Update #3 patch notes. We expect Title Update to be released on Xbox Live in a few weeks. Here they are:

Balance Changes:
- UNSC Warthogs Gauss cannon damage against tanks and other heavily armored vehicles reduced by 25%
-UNSC Warthogs build time increased by 3 seconds to 25 seconds
- Anders research time bonus decreased to 25% from 50%. Her Research cost bonus remains unchanged at 50%
-Covenant and UNSC turrets have 5% increased health and 5% increased damage
-UNSC Elephants have a 20% more health
-Grenade damage type now has 25% additonal damage against Warthogs and other medium armor ground vehicles.
-Recycle basic cost return fixed to be 50% for constructed buildings.
- Locked down bases when unlocked will now release units inside very quickly, which means that when under attack a player can now build a fighting force while locked down and then release them much more quickly than before
- UNSC Leader powers disabled at the start of Reinforcement Matches
-Players no longer receive points for team killing.
-Self Destructing/Recycling buildings now gives points to opponents

Bug Fixes:
-Players should now find it much easier to play System Link games
-Fixed Covenant Shield Generator Exploit
-Invisible Units should now have invisible health bars
-Players will no longer be able to scout opposing bases by using the area-select tool


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