PC:n Guild Wars 2 nousi suoraan FIGMAn kokoaman Suomen virallisen pelilistan kärkeen, kun mörppääjät taas syksyn saapuessa sulkeutuvat pelikammioihinsa.
Uutuuksista toiseksi ylsi Hong Kongin alamaailmaan sijoittuva Sleeping Dogs -toiminta, neljänneksi 3DS:n New Super Mario Bros. 2 -tasohyppely ja kuudenneksi vielä Darksiders II -toimintaseikkailu.
FIGMA-LISTA VIIKKO 33 - 34 / 2012
- (-) Guild Wars 2 (PC)
- (-) Sleeping Dogs (Square Enix) PC PS3 Xbox360
- (1) Battlefield 3 (PC PS3 X360)
- (-) New Super Mario Bros. 2 (3DS)
- (2) LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (3DS DS PC PS3 PSV Wii X360)
- (-) Darksiders II (PC PS3 X360)
- (4) Call Of Duty Black Ops (PC PS3 X360)
- (3) London 2012 (PC PS3 X360)
- (R) FIFA 12 (3DS PC PS2 PS3 PSP Wii X360)
- (5) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC PS3 X360)
DS: 1. (1) Pokémon White (Ninten...
1. (1) Pokémon White (Nintendo)
2. (2) New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo)
3. (4) Pokémon Conquest (Nintendo)
4. (7) Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (Warner)
5. (5) Mario Kart (Nintendo)
6. (9) Super Mario 64 (Nintendo)
7. (3) Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Warner)
8. (10) Pokémon Black (Nintendo)
9. (R) Lego Star Wars III: Clone Wars (Activision-Blizzard)
10. (R) Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (Activision-Blizzard)
1. (-) New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Nintendo)
2. (1) Super Mario 3D Land (Nintendo)
3. (2) Mario Kart 7 (Nintendo)
4. (3) Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (SEGA)
5. (4) KINGDOM HEARTS 3D [Dream Drop Distance] (Square Enix)
6. (7) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (Nintendo)
7. (9) Nintendogs+cats Toyville (Nintendo)
8. (6) Sonic Generations (SEGA)
9. (8) Super Pokémon Rumble (Nintendo)
10. (R) Nintendogs+cats Kultainennoutaja (Nintendo)
1. (-) Guild Wars 2 (NCsoft)
2. (1) Diablo III (Activision-Blizzard)
3. (2) Battlefield 3 (Electronic Arts)
4. (8) Battlefield 3 Premium (Electronic Arts)
5. (3) The Sims 3: Lemmikit (Electronic Arts)
6. (4) The Sims 3 (Electronic Arts)
7. (-) Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition (Namco Bandai)
8. (5) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda)
9. (7) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision-Blizzard)
10. (6) The Sims 3: Superstara (Electronic Arts)
1. (1) SingStar SuomiSuosikit (Sony)
2. (3) SingStar SuomiHitit (Sony)
3. (2) Lego Batman (Warner Bros.)
4. (4) FIFA 12 (Electronic Arts)
5. (5) NBA 2K12 (Take2)
6. (10) Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters (Sony)
7. (9) Toy Story 3 (Disney)
8. (6) Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 (Konami)
9. (8) Need for Speed Undercover (Electronic Arts)
10. (7) Ratchet Gladiator (Sony)
1. (-) Sleeping Dogs (Square Enix)
2. (1) Battlefield 3 (Electronic Arts)
3. (4) Call Of Duty Black Ops (Activision-Blizzard)
4. (3) Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Warner)
5. (-) Darksiders II (THQ)
6. (2) London 2012 (SEGA)
7. (6) FIFA 12 (Electronic Arts)
8. (9) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Activision-Blizzard)
9. (5) Gran Turismo 5 (Sony)
10. (7) NHL 12 (Electronic Arts)
1. (1) LittleBIGPlanet (Sony)
2. (2) Gran Turismo (Sony)
3. (3) Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters (Sony)
4. (4) MotorStorm: Arctic Edge (Sony)
5. (5) ModNation Racers (Sony)
6. (6) Pursuit Force (Sony)
7. (8) Secret Agent Clank (Sony)
8. (7) Daxter (Sony)
9. (9) Resistance: Retribution (Sony)
10. (10) Ridge Racer (Sony)
1. (2) Rayman Origins (Ubisoft)
2. (1) Uncharted: Golden Abyss (Sony)
3. (3) Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Warner)
4. (4) Gravity Rush (Sony)
5. (9) Metal Gear Solid - HD Collection (Konami)
6. (5) Modnation Racers: Road Trip (Sony)
7. (6) Unit 13 (Sony)
8. (R) EA SPORTS FIFA Football (Electronic Arts)
9. (R) Dungeon Hunter Alliance (Ubisoft)
10. (7) Resistance: Burning Skies (Sony)
1. (2) Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Warner)
2. (1) New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Nintendo)
3. (10) Skylanders - Spyro's adventure (Activision-Blizzard)
4. (5) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Nintendo)
5. (4) Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games (SEGA)
6. (3) Mario Sports Mix (Nintendo)
7. (R) Wii Party (Nintendo)
8. (8) Super Mario Galaxy (Nintendo)
9. (6) Lego Star Wars III: Clone Wars (Activision-Blizzard)
10. (R) Donkey Kong Country Returns (Nintendo)
1. (-) Sleeping Dogs (Square Enix)
2. (-) Darksiders II (THQ)
3. (3) Call Of Duty Black Ops (Activision-Blizzard)
4. (1) Battlefield 3 (Electronic Arts)
5. (2) London 2012 (SEGA)
6. (5) Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Warner)
7. (4) FIFA 12 (Electronic Arts)
8. (6) NHL 12 (Electronic Arts)
9. (R) Mass Effect 3 (Electronic Arts)
10. (8) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Bethesda)
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